Zookeepr: Home-grown conference management software
Ms. Brianna Laugher bio
30min ◊ Beginner
Saturday 11:40am, Grand Lodge
case study, pylons, web
Zookeepr <http://zookeepr.org/> is a comprehensive web-based conference management system, written in Python and built on Pylons. It has an unusual development history: custom created for the annual Linux.conf.au conference, there are yearly spikes in event-focused feature development, but relatively little of the ongoing development typically seen in open source projects.
This presentation is an introduction to the project, aimed at developers interested in contributing to a non-trivial open source project where meeting your fellow developers is quite possible, even likely, and your work is almost guaranteed to be seen and used each year by hundreds of Australia's most diehard geeks.
This presentation is an introduction to the project, aimed at developers interested in contributing to a non-trivial open source project where meeting your fellow developers is quite possible, even likely, and your work is almost guaranteed to be seen and used each year by hundreds of Australia's most diehard geeks.

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